From the inception of head|first studios branding has been an ongoing process. In fact, in the beginning there really was not a strong effort to truly brand this little company. I was so focused on doing the work of creating for clients that that I was not taking time to build an identity for head|first studios. But after taking some time to look at successful brands and explore the philosophy behind branding I realized it was necessary to build the time into my schedule to craft an identity for the head|first brand.
The initial design was very simple. In fact, it was so simple that there was a distinct lack of identity in the design. In all honesty I spent very little time in creating this logo and just put a few things I felt were exciting and eye-catching together. The end result was a logo that – while simple and focused on the name of the business – lacked identity and did not convey a real sense of what head|first studios is.

The second run at creating an identity for head|first studios sought to retain a simple, clean look. This time I took a square with a fun gradient to it and the head|first name on top, turned it to an angle and make it interesting to look at. I then added three icons to the square (diamond?) to indicate our process of creation. The light bulb indicated taking an initial idea and crafting into a creative resource/asset for the client. The play icon indicated the process of allowing the client to review their media and allow it to sit prominently in their consciousness. The share icon indicated the ability for the client to share their new media with the world.

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The third phase of the head|first logo took the concept of the previous logo and simplified it. I turned the square back to it’s normal position but kept the gradient and the word mark. After a short time I also began to realize that many of the current social media profiles were utilizing a circle in their profile image templates. I quickly added a circle version of this logo with a muted gradient specifically to use in those outlets, and it eventually overtook the square version in most contexts.

The process brings us to the current logo that represents the head|first studios brand. For this logo I utilized the color scheme of the previous circular logo (the muted color scheme makes it easier to print, especially on clothing). I then drew (yes, by hand on my iPad) a side-profile of a video camera to indicate that head|first studios is primarily a video production company. I placed the head|first studios word mark (the only constant through this whole process) onto the video camera and decided it looked good. But something was missing. In the end I decided that a circle behind the camera would give the image a little bit more to set it apart from the pack, and would give a sense of completion (circles have no beginning or end) to the client, indicating that we are a full-service company. I am happy with the current identity of head|first studios and will retain it for the foreseeable future.

Though I am happy with the current logo, I am certain that at some point in the future it will be updated in some way. It could be as simple as altering the color scheme (I am working on specific color schemes for holidays and special events), or as all-encompassing as a complete redesign. In the end, as the identity of head|first studios evolves and refines itself, the logo will follow suit. I hope you have enjoyed this peek into the process of branding head|first studios, and I invite you to share your insights on our branding strategy, or even the story behind your own branding process. And if you do not currently have a brand or identity established, we would love to help you find one.